Friday, September 1, 2017

11/9 Coalition condemns Arpaio pardon

The 11/9 Coalition says this about Trump’s pardon of Sheriff Arpaio:

The 11/9 Coalition deplores President Trump’s pardoning of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. While the President holds authority to pardon offenses against the United States, he also bears responsibility for ensuring faithful execution of the laws, including the Constitution. A federal court found that Sheriff Arpaio’s department violated the Constitution by targeting individuals for police scrutiny based on their race. Sheriff Arpaio was then convicted of criminal contempt of court for defying court orders mandating an end to these illegal practices. By issuing a pardon to excuse Sheriff Arpaio’s defiance of the judiciary and the Constitution, President Trump has himself shown contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law.

(See here for the 11/9 Coalition’s mission and here for its leadership. Also, see here for the Coalition’s recent statements, including on the DOJ’s request for Dreamhost’s records and the demonstrations in Charlottesville.)

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