Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Nothing new under the sun, herein of terms of endearment

From Robert Chambers, “Traditions of Edinburgh” (2d ed. 1868), though it also appears in the 1825 first edition; the incident would presumably have occurred in 1782, the year of Lord Kames’s death (though of course we must view all such anecdotes with skepticism):

Lord Kames.

This able judge and philosopher … is described by his biographer … as indulging in a certain humorous playfulness … and us[ing] phrases of an ultra-eccentric character. Among these was a word only legitimately applicable to the female of the canine species….

When his lordship found his end approaching very near, he took a public farewell of his brethren. I was informed by an ear-and-eye witness, who is certain that he could not be mistaken, that, after addressing them in a solemn speech and shaking their hands all round, … [he,] casting them a last look, cried in his usual familiar tone: “Fare ye a’ weel, ye bitches!” He died eight days after.

Originally Found On: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/05/02/nothing-new-under-the-sun-herein-of-terms-of-endearment/

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